smol girl with big thoughts

2024 goals !!

I am already one and a half weeks into 2024 but doesn't matter.

I have been too busy to write my New Year's resolution for this year but I have been thinking about this for a while.

To be honest, I wouldn't even call this a New Year's resolution as realistically I don't think I can do some of these but I also don’t think there is any harm in trying.

I loved 2022 but I loved 2023 even more.

The last 2 years I was unintentionally achieving goals as I was growing as a person.

Some of the things I have listed have a higher priority/desire than others but I mainly want to jot down my ideas here so that at the end of the year I can see how much I have progressed.

Some goals I currently already achieved so I would like to maintain them.

Some goals are new and I want to work towards these.

Some goals would be nice to achieve and good for my well-being but realistically are quite difficult to follow through with.

As a full-time student who works part-time, I find it quite difficult to find a healthy work-life balance and meet goals but here we go !!!

Lifestyle Goals

Emotional Well-Being Goals

Relationships Goals

Fitness Goals

Personal Goals

Communication Goals

Educational Goals

Financial Goals

Wishing myself the best of luck !!